X = -5*pi:0.05:5*pi; Y = sin(X)./X; figure(1) clf plot(X,Y,'b-','LineWidth',1) hold on ylabel('sin(x)/x') xlabel('0 \leq x \leq 5\pi') title('Halfway to a mexican hat') axis([0 5*pi -0.3 1.1]) h1 = figure(1); h2 = get(h1,'CurrentAxes'); % Note: edit these numbers to change position % and size of inset plot h3 = axes('pos',[.575 .575 .31 .31]); plot(X,Y,'b-') xlabel('-5\pi \leq x \leq 5\pi') axis([-5*pi 5*pi -0.3 1.1])
When you run this, you get the following extremely sexy plot:Full disclosure: I copied this code from somewhere else a while ago, but I can't remember where. (Cool story, huh?) Anyway, thought I'd post it here, in case it is useful to someone.
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