(Trying to keep this as vague as possible, since we're not supposed to share details of this with anyone outside our lab yet -- so not mentioning the name of my advisor, the name of my current school, etc.)
This morning, my advisor met with our lab, and told us that he's thinking of taking a position at a school in New York. I can't blame him for considering it -- from the way he's described it, he'll have enormously increased freedom to pursue different kinds of research than he does in his current position, not to mention a lot more money to work with, period. He came in this morning, looking apologetic and somewhat defensive, and laid out what this could mean for his graduate students and postdocs, and emphasized that this was definitely not set in stone yet; he may very well end up turning the offer down and staying here.
I have mixed feelings about this. First, the bad part: my girlfriend currently lives in South Carolina, and is moving to Oregon in May -- which is still 9 hours away from the Bay Area, but it's much, much closer! For me to up and move to Long Island would be the ultimate fail, relationship-wise. Another, minor bad part is that I love the weather and the mountains in the Bay Area, and it would suck to move away. I should make the standard noises about how very much I'd miss all my dear friends and social contacts here, but being the terrible recluse that I am, those are pretty much nonexistent.
However, there are a number of positive aspects to this. The main one is that the school in New York actually has real physics and mathematics departments, unlike my current school! Since my research is really more like applied mathematics than biophysics, I think it would be invaluable to have access to a math department where I could discuss, for example, tensor decompositions with people who might actually know something about them, rather than spending months developing my own from scratch, because I work in an intellectual vacuum. Another plus is that because my advisor wouldn't be anchored strictly to NIH money, he'd be free to support research, like mine, that is more speculative, and not directly tied to biomedical applications.
After the rather awkward group meeting this morning, I stopped by my advisor's office, and told him all this, then asked him if it would be possible for me to do most of my work remotely. I pointed out that, although I live only 15 minutes from my current campus, I still do the majority of my work from my apartment. That's one advantage of theoretical research -- you really just need a pen, a pad of paper, and possibly a computer, and you're good to go! So I told him about the situation with my girlfriend, and asked him, "Would it be possible for me to live in Oregon with her, and fly to New York when needed?"
He looked at me oddly, and started to say, "Well, that's, um, that might be a problem..."
"I can fly for free," I added. "My brother works for an airline. So that wouldn't be an issue."
He stared at me for a minute, then laughed. "Oh! So...you're just asking whether it's ok with me if you're not physically at the campus? It doesn't matter to me at all. You're never here anyway. As long as you're making progress, you can live wherever you want."
So, this might not happen at all. But I am thinking that this could turn out to be a really good thing, if it does happen -- I could get a place with my girlfriend in Oregon, periodically fly to New York to a place that actually has physicists and mathematicians to interact with, and at the end of it all, still have a degree with my current school's name stamped on it!