Decaf americano?
I've heard this ordered at Starbucks(es) before... decaf americano. For those who do not know, americano is coffee language for espresso and water... aka "watered down espresso" for those who are too pansy to drink the real thing... or people like me who want the satisfaction of a whole mug without sacrificing the caffiene. But a decaf americano? What is the point of that... "Yes, hello, I would like watered-down fake coffee." FAIL.
The "luxury utility vehicle" (LUV)?
This includes all "SUVs" that are not made for "S"-- Acura MDX, Porsche Cayenne, etc. What is the point? Who buys a car for utility when it is not going to be utilized for anything more than driving around shopping. Shopping is not a sport. And SUVs should not have seat warmers. I think these cars exist to show that the consumer has the money to guzzle gas without hesitation. Either do something sporty... or don't. It's like the car version of "is cheerleading a sport?"
The Hannah Montana Guitar?
Is it Miley Cyrus? Or is is Hannah Montana? Is it a guitar... or isn't it? World ----> explode.
Because it's cool to wear your blanket out of the house. If you are too lazy to take your arms from out from under the blanket to get the remote, but can still venture to walmart to stock up on all the latest consumer goods... while wearing your snuggie? Uhm. Yeah. And now they have those fashion snuggies? Making wearing blankets in public-- stylish?
The Elliptical Trainer?
So the idea is that you put your feet into these holsters that move your legs for you in a circular motion and somehow you burn more calories than running? How does that work? All I am going to say is... I have seen many fit athletes who run. I have not seen anyone who is a champion of ellipticalling. "Oh, look at me, I'm the BEST ELLIPTICALER IN THE WORLD. I can burn 100000 calories in an hour!" No.
Fur lined boots and shorts/skirts?
Why.... (EXPLODE)
Warranties on Running Shoes?
For ten dollars, you could protect your shoes against wear and tear. But running is not included in the list of actions protected against. I don't know about you, but the next time I go ice climbing in my DS Trainers I am taking that action back to sportsauthority. Unusual wear and tear? Think you got it backwards there, SA.
Jolly Ranchers and Bacon.
There is at least one thing in the world that does NOT go with bacon.