Saturday, January 05, 2008


Resolutions for the new year:
  • Don't stress. I'm going to do my research and classwork to the best of my ability, but I will not worry (excessively) about it.
  • Stop complaining (so much). UCSF is a lot of work. Of course it's a lot of work, it's one of the best schools in the world. Stop bellyaching about it.
  • Don't gossip. I've never been too much of a gossip, but I've discovered a disturbing tendency this past quarter to talk shit about people, and I need to stop. Aside from being professionally counterproductive, it's just a dick thing to do. If I've got to vent about someone, I also resolve to vent to someone not associated with UCSF.
  • Stop feeling guilty about not working 24/7. I resolve to go out and have a beer with my friends when I feel like it, or play video games at night, or watch movies, or play the guitar, etc. etc. without thinking, 'man, I should be working.'
I guess those will do, for now.